Services We Offer
FDMS is an Aboriginal economic, social, and community development organization dedicated to responding to the expressed needs of its clients which includes First Nations, industry, and government. FDMS boasts a diverse team providing expertise in the following areas:

Strategic Facilitation and Planning

Objective facilitators bring value by asking courageous questions as the ‘third voice’ in a challenging situation. FDMS’ facilitation services galvanize teams by clarifying key insights and transforming them into achievable and engaging plan of action. By working with clients, team engagement is fostered and implementation is guided.


Governance and Leadership Training

Leaders are tasked with great responsibility on behalf of the organizations and communities that they serve. This responsibility is characterized as governance. FDMS works with leaders to maximize organizational governance and leadership skills for the benefit of developing and implementing smooth processes where decisions can be made in a way that will work for their community or organization.

Communications and Engagement

Positioning, awareness, and third-party credibility are essential to any successful communications strategy. Aligning this strategy with an organization’s goals ensures that the right messages are reaching the right audiences at the right time. FDMS understands that strategic communications leads to meaningful engagement involving balanced, two-way dialogue. The value of dialogue in this engagement cannot be understated as relationships are key to maximizing the opportunities for all parties involved.


Organizational Development

It is our belief that the more interesting and stimulating, the more collaborative and challenging, the more creative and honest the planning effort, the more the process itself will have a lasting impact on the life of the organization. FDMS assists in the organizational development process including the implementation of strategic plans that articulate vision, mission, values/principles, strategic goals and measurable action plan objectives.

Conflict Transformation

Most of us are aware that there is a more constructive way to deal with conflict. Typically called a win-win, collaborative or cooperative approach, it can be applied to all kinds of conflict, from small everyday disputes between individuals to large ones that divide communities. FDMS assists in addressing the turmoil and counter-productive relationships through providing effective and appropriate counsel, and acting as a conduit for the successful design and implementation of win-win solutions.